Saturday, January 21, 2012

more from Nehemiah

When I told Nat yesterday that I really like the book of Nehemiah she was surprised!  But it's true, I really do.  Today's readings take place from 3:15-5:13.  In this section the work of Nehemiah with the people to rebuild the wall is mocked severely.  They were teased and mocked because the task was so big, and overwhelming.  "That stone wall would collapse if even a fox walked along the top of it!"  they said.  I mention this only because it frames the enormity of the task.  Obviously it is a pretty huge undertaking, enough so that it gives them something to mock and tease about.  This helps make the point of verse 6 all the sweeter.  "At last the wall was completed to half its height around the entire city, for the people had worked with enthusiasm."  I love that.  Isn't it true in general that when you work with enthusiasm and don't get side tracked by the detractors of  whatever the task at hand may be much can be accomplished!  Attitude is everything.  (well at least it's a ton!) 

And when progress is continued and successful the threats increase in number and severity.  But that doesn't stop the progress either.  I love verse 9.  It may well be one of the most educational verses I have come across in all of scripture.  "But we prayed to our God and guarded the city day and night to protect ourselves"   It is such a perfect picture of the partnership between prayer and action.  God uses His people.  Pray AND Do.  I think Nehemiah's trust in God to protect them is not in any way diminished by the plan of action he sets in place. That is how I have seen God work in my life.  Pray and an idea comes.  Pray and a plan of action materializes.  Pray and regain your strength.  Of course God can work in miraculous ways too, and often we see the picture of that in scripture.  I find this section of Nehemiah to be a much closer representation of how God utilizes prayer in my life.

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012

Today's readings included the first couple chapters of Nehemiah.  Over the years I have grown to really love and appreciate this book.  I love the picture of answered prayer and team work that is portrayed.  For example in today's reading there is Nehemiah's fervent prayer to God to be able to go home and repair the city walls.  This prayer takes place in Autumn and in the Spring Nehemiah receives a favorable response. It's fun to see the clear answer to prayer and more enjoyable yet when it comes out the way you hope!  Not that the task at hand would be easy, but still the gracious hand of God in the events is so clearly evident.  I also think it is a good reminder that God's timing is always best even though waiting is rarely something we are fond of doing.  Then when Nehemiah gets home, the team work that is evident by family groups each working on a section of the wall.  What an awesome picture of leadership and teamwork.  As a whole the task would be somewhat overwhelming, but divided into sections and among many people a lot of work is accomplished in what appears to be pretty short order!

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Lord Cares about our bodies

I prefer to think about "thou shall not murder"  I'm good at that one.  I've never murdered anyone!  Thou shall not commit adultery... Yeah, let's think about that one, never done that either!  Thou shall not covet... maybe a struggle or two in this department but I do pretty good in the department of contentment.  I'm over blessed so this one is pretty easy too.  I'd be pretty comfortable talking about this one and feeling pretty stinking good about myself. 

But nothing in today's readings bring up any of the stuff I'm good at.... Nope, it addresses bodies.  While in the context of the readings it is talking about sexual purity (and I'd love to just keep it there, because once again, doing great in that area!)  the lesson extends way beyond that.  Here are some examples in the text that make it clear that it goes beyond sexual purity:

"and the Lord cares about our bodies."  (vs 13)
"Don't you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ?" (vs 15)
"You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price.  So you must honor God with your body"

I stink at this...  I think of my body as my own well padded under watered, undernourished but over fed body as MY business.  But I am wrong about this.  My body doesn't really belong to me... it belongs to Christ.  And I don't take care of it very well.  I skip breakfast and other meals and then justify sugary snacks to tide me over til I'm around real food.  I've passed on exercise so long that I'm not sure where my muscles even are.  I use excuses to not do what I should be doing to care for this treasure that God has entrusted to my care while I am here on earth and it is a sin I struggle with every day. 

I'm thankful for the forgiveness of Christ for this and every sin in my life, and I count on Him to help me keep today's important truths in mind.    I have not been being a good steward of a precious gift entrusted to my care.... this is not typical of me when other things are entrusted to my care, why do I think of my own body as less important?  What am I willing to do different?  hmmmmm.  Good things to ponder in order to make some much needed changes....

Saturday, January 7, 2012


 I wonder..... how much time elapses between when David wrote Psalm 28:1-5 and when he writes vs 6-9.....

Proverbs 20:24 "The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?"   (good question.... but I sure do question everything along the way.  I'll have to work on that!)

Friday, December 30, 2011

a few thoughts

I underlined some things from readings a few days ago because I knew I would want to remember them and I didn't have time to blog.  From Romans 15:13 " I pray that God, the source of hope will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him."

 I actually wrote this down on a 3 X 5 card to memorize.  There is so much here for me.  Sometimes the truth is that God is not my source of hope.  I look for it in circumstances and get frustrated when my life doesn't look like I thought it would.  I long to remember that I need to find my source of hope in Christ.  I recently did a children's message that talked about JOY being "Jesus Owns You"  That because we are owned by Christ we have Joy, He takes care of his people.  I reminded the kids that joy is different than happiness because happiness is dependent on circumstances, but Joy is rooted in Jesus.  But I realize I constantly need that reminder myself.  I don't rest in Christ, I wrestle with Christ.  It's not where I want to be in my faith.  I recognize that God uses all of this to draw me closer to him and for this I am thankful. 

The "because you trust in Him" part is key.  I continue to place my trust in Jesus, but clearly I take it back again.  The evidence is in my worry and stress.  If I were truly trusting in Him as I want to be, I don't think I'd be so distressed over Derek, and other issues.  It's a process and I am thankful that God is faithful even when I am not as faithful as I should or wish to be. 

Another verse I underlined was from Psalm 25:4  "Show me the right path, O Lord, point out the road for me to follow."  This is such a perfect prayer for Den and I both right now as we try to figure out what the next step in this journey of parenting an adult kid that is not reaching his potential ought to be. 

Psalm 25:8  "The Lord is good and does what is right he shows the proper path to those who go astray."  This is an encouragement for me as a mom because once again God reminds me that He is showing Derek the way he should go, that He won't give up on him.  I certainly continue to pray that Derek will choose the path that the Lord shows him.

2 Chronicles 32:8b "We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!"  Once again, just an encouragement that God is on our side!

Psalm 25:17  "my problems go from bad to worse, Oh, save me from them all!"    (I could just relate to this...)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Closing in on year end

So I should probably rename the blog Genesis to 2nd Chronicles and mid Romans....  Or 1/2 way through in 2011 or something else...  No profound thoughts from today's readings.  Actually I had something from the previous days reading, but since that was a couple of days ago, and I didn't add it as I was thinking about it, I can't recall what it was....  guess that means it wasn't that interesting or profound!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Follow up on last post

So, after further study, thought and prayer I came to the conclusion that I broke the Cardinal rule when it comes to scripture.... Context.  I believe that I took the verse from Romans (11:36) out of context.  Paul was speaking in this section about salvation for the Jews and the Gentiles and how God accomplished this for both of them, it was all God...  that's the context for the verse.  He wasn't speaking about evil, or bad or anything like that he was speaking about salvation, and indeed that is All God!  "To Him be the glory for ever. Amen!" indeed.   Note to self.... context, context, context!