Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Encouraged through scripture

My brother-in-law has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer.  I feel like I am reeling.  (And so I really can't fathom how my sister, brother-in-law and their girls must be feeling)  It's only been just a year since my mom died and in fact we got the news about Rick right at the anniversary.  That was a bad day.  But Rick has said an amazing thing.  He said that everything that God allows is to somehow Glorify Him and that he needed to somehow Glorify God in all of this.  I think he already has!

So as I read scripture of course Rick and Suzi are on my mind and in my prayers.  I took special encouragement from a couple of Psalms I read the past couple of days.  Psalm 61:1-2 "I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation my fortress where I will never be shaken."  And Psalm 63:7-8  "Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.  I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely."  I see that quiet strength of faith in Rick and the sure and certain knowledge that his victory over this disease will come from God.  Of course we pray that it will be victory in the form of restored health here and now, but victory is certainly His because of the faith that God has put in him and because of the victory of Christ on the cross at Calvary.  And I also am enabled to sing for joy in the shadow of God's wing because I am overjoyed at the knowledge that God is Rick's helper and that he his held securely in His strong right hand.

We have seen many blessings already in what will prove to be a long journey ahead.  Rick has the Nations most renown surgeon working on his case, as well as an oncologist that specializes in pancreatic cancer.  He is diagnosed with this disease after remarkable current breakthroughs involving a combination of chemotherapy and surgery.  While our whole family wishes that he did not have to go through this, we thank God for His hand of provision and care through the medical people Rick's care is entrusted to.  If you read this blog, please join me in continued prayers for Rick's health and encouragement through this difficult time.

March 30

I have utilized the bicycle time several times and have been doing better (although not perfect) in reading "daily".  Finding time to blog about the reading continues to be a challenge.  Especially since I sometimes do not know where to begin....

The bit about Moses not being able to enter the Promised land because he struck the rock rather than speaking to it scratched my brain even further shortly after I blogged the last time.  When I got to work one of the tasks I started with was reading the passages for the up coming Sunday so I could begin preparation for a Children's message.  The old testament reading was from Exodus and is a different account of the people complaining against Moses because they are thirsty.  In this account God directs Moses to a rock and tells him to hit it with the staff.  Moses did that very thing and the rest of the account is much the same, enough water for all the people, their livestock etc.  God's provision prevails for the people of Israel yet again.  (although they will quickly forget and bellyache and complain again)  Anyway, I just kept thinking in my own human way that it explained Moses transgression the next time, at least in my mind, even more.  He hit the rock the first time, and so he hit the rock the second time.... makes sense - us being creatures of habit and all.  I kept thinking it took Moses off the hook a little more and yet the reality is that it did not.  God held Moses accountable for his disobedience.  Not obeying exactly was disobedience, not 'imperfect obedience'.  There's a difference.  In fact according to God imperfect obedience doesn't exist....  As I prayed for understanding about what seems so harsh of a punishment for what seemed to me such a small transgression, especially in light of Moses overall faithfulness, I kept hearing "But I said speak to the rock".  Eventually the conversation in my head evolved into current examples of "imperfect obedience"  ie disobedience.  Times when we rationalize our choices to take us off the hook in our own minds and consciences.  I shared this with my Sunday school class and we came up with a whole host of examples....  'I only cheated a little bit because I didn't have time to do the homework because I was at church and youth group all day'  (yeah God it's really your fault I cheated)   And God says "I said do not bear false witness"  I only blew up at my mom because she accused me of something I really didn't do"  and God says "I said to Honor your Mother and Father"  I only stole the bread because my family is hungry and God says "I said you shall not steal"  I only swore because I stubbed my toe  and God says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth"  or "Do not take my name in vain"  On and on the examples could be listed where we excuse our lack of obedience and we are reminded that God says what he means and means what he says and his expectation is obedience.

We are sinners that do not get it right more than we do. It is purely out of our love for Him and all that He accomplished for us on the Cross that we strive to make the right choices. And because of His great love for us we are able to rest in His amazing Grace and forgiveness when we get it wrong.  And although Moses did not get to go into the Promised land because of his mistake, because of God's promise he remains in THE promised land of Heaven with God for all eternity.  That's a better deal anyway.

Monday, March 21, 2011

yippee for muli-tasking!

Have to do the exercise bike, have (need, want...) to catch up on the Bible readings.  That was a time slot good for a couple of days worth of reading!

Last night at youth group I was sharing with the kids my little discovery from yesterday regarding "including Peter"  during the conversation Greg (adult youth leader) said, at least you weren't reading Numbers, you'd never get caught up.  I said, I AM reading numbers, that 's the OT readings.  We had a laugh about how difficult it is to get through Numbers and I must admit that the word "boring" did come up.  That's why today is so funny.  In the chapters in Numbers I read this morning, Moses hit the rock instead of talking to it, and forever has to miss out on entering the promised land for this tiny tiny (in my opinion) transgression.  I mean, it's still pretty clearly God's doing.  It's not like it is typical to strike a big rock with a staff and have water pour out enough for all the people and their livestock....  Once again the underlying message appears to be that God is very serious about obedience.  Once again I am so thankful that I live on this side of the Cross!  Anyway, it's not at all "boring".  Another head scratcher, but not boring.  And then there was Balam and the talking donkey.... THAT is a crazy cool account in scripture and not boring either!  And perhaps my favorite verse in all that I read today was also from Numbers!  Chapter 23 verse 19: "God is not a man, so he does not lie.  He is not human, so he does not change his mind.  Has he ever spoken and failed to act?  Has he ever promised and not carried it through?"  This goes right back to where I typically land.... He is God and I am not. 

Well it's 8:15 in the morning and I have a really long day of work ahead of me and I haven't had a shower or breakfast yet so I need to get after the rest of the day. It feels good to have started the day addressing both physical and spiritual health though.  So even though I am running a little late, at least it is for a worthy cause, not just because I rolled over and snoozed the alarm!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20 (but earlier readings)

I feel like I am losing my steam with the blogging.  In such a busy life it often feels like one more thing to do. However,  I really like the idea of it -  to be able to look back at my thoughts.  So, at least for now, I am going to continue doing it.  Perhaps it will not be daily, but at least from time to time.  I think blogging is partially to blame for being behind on the readings.  (well that and screwed up priorities with regard to the daily readings....)  I often do not want to make the time to read AND Blog, and so I end up doing neither.  Today is actually March 20th, but after reading a couple of days worth of readings to "catch up" I'm still only on March 13th.  I clearly have more catching up to do...

I  read something today that I have never really paid particular attention to before.  It is from Mark 16:7.  It says "Now go and tell his disciples, including Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee.  you will see him there just as he told you before he died."  (This from the angel, speaking to the women who had come to the tomb)

Here's the part that I am pondering:  "including Peter"  It makes me wonder if Peter was on the outs because of his denial.  And if so was it self inflicted out of guilt, or were the others mad at him because of his denial?  I think I am leaning more toward self inflicted if this is indeed the case at all.  I think this only because scripture indicates that the disciples "scattered" "fled" etc.  Yes, Peter was vocal in his denial in spite of his declaration of "Even if I have to die with you I will NEVER......"  Yes, yes you will Peter, and you did.  And I think in many ways and at many times, we all deny Jesus- even if it is our desire not to.

So I take encouragement from the words "including Peter" .  It is a tremendous encouragement to me that in spite of Peter's denial (and ours) Christ's sacrifice trumps it.      

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I need to get caught up!  I am 1/2 way through the reading for March 9th and today is the 15th of March.  It really is challenging to keep up on this....  I think I'll try to read a couple of days  at a time until I get caught up.

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7

Two days to read today. ..OT Reading from the 6th made me giggle in the first couple of verses.  Numbers 6:2-3  If any of the people, either men or women take a special vow of a Nazirite, setting themselves apart to the Lord in a special way, they must give up wine......   Nope, never going to be a Nazirite!  I find that wine falls more into the category of  Ecclesiastes 8:15 "So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad."

Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 5

March 3's readings had two of my favorite verses, and I guess I forgot that they were both in Psalm 46.  I love 46:1  "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble."  And also 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."  Whenever I read 46:1 I am reminded of a story that I heard one time about a child that got the words mixed up a bit and said "god is our refuge and strength, a very helpful present in times of trouble."  That works too!  And as far as the other verse goes..... I (as an official gabby-talk-a lot) often have to hear those words in my head...  God's polite but firm version of "Shut up and trust Me"....

I actually read March 3's readings on March three... but didn't have time to blog about it.  Today I'm catching up with March 4 and 5.  I think my plan is to read the study notes from my Bible regarding the readings in Numbers.  I think perhaps I will learn more this way since Numbers is such a snoozer for me.

Nothing more to write today, except to maybe say that the study notes for the readings were not all that interesting to me either.... 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1

My favorite verse from today's reading is from Leviticus 25:17  "Show your fear of God by not taking advantage of each other. 

I think we can show our fear (respect/reverence/love) for God in many similar ways, just plug in the area of obedience  "Show your fear (respect/reverence/love) of God by not over eating.  (for example)  This fits because we are to honor God with our bodies, and my fifty extra pound of baggage I imagine is not exactly honoring Him with my body....

I wonder how to connect the dots... to have that thought before I skip the exercise, or before I pig out on junk food.....  I'm thankful for forgiveness, but I'd like to tap into the strength that I know is available to me to just avoid the bad habits....

I think I'll go down another glass of water, perhaps I'll raise it in a toast and drink it in His honor!!